The Podioracket Interview

Posted by Dave Hitt
Categorized Under: News
Dated: 28 Apr 2009
Comments: 0

Podioracket is a podcast that interviews podiobook authors.  Their latest episode featured your truly.

You can find it here.

Two New Henchmen

Posted by Dave Hitt
Categorized Under: Henchmen
Dated: 28 Apr 2009
Comments: 0

Blood Witness would like to welcome two new Henchmen.

From the land down under -  The Cubby House Podcast.

And from the land right here – Podioracket.

Episodes 7 – 11

Posted by Dave Hitt
Categorized Under: Episodes
Dated: 14 Apr 2009
Comments: 2

Use this post to comment on episodes 7 – 11.  Since I doubt you’ve committed the numbers to memory, here’s a reminder (warning: spoilers).

Episode 7 – This Old House – Catherine finds a new place and settles in. Eddie gets even, then wishes he hadn’t.

Episode 8 – Welcome. Go Away! Welcome. Catherine welcomes Chris into her home. She’s threatened by one group of vampires in The City, then welcomed by others.

Episode 9 – The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life. Catherine offers Chris eternal life, and gives him a small sample of the pleasure it entails.

Episode 10 – Decisions, Decisions.  Chris makes his decision.

Episode 11 – The conversion.  Some conversions are harder than others.