Posted by Dave Hitt
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Dated: 25 Mar 2009
Episode 6 is now available. It’s a bit on the short side, but it packs a punch.
When I first wrote this book I gave the Thompson’s infant a different disease, a real illness I thought required a blood exchange shortly after birth. I later discovered that in the 80s, when the story takes place, transfusions weren’t used as treatment. Getting trivial facts right is very important in fiction, otherwise the story is ruined for anyone who spots the mistake. I searched for other illnesses (and they had to be genetic, so the parents knew it was coming) that would require a newborn to get blood transfusions, but couldn’t find one. So I invented one, but was having trouble coming up with a good name for it.
I had been listening to Scott Sigler’s “Infected.” Scott used the names of well-known podcasters for past victims of his disease, and it brought a smile to my face every time he did it. And considering that “Infected” (and the sequel, “Contagious”, which is a New York Times Best Seller) are about ghastly diseases, I thought naming the illness after him would be a great inside joke. I sent him an e-mail asking permission and received a one word reply: “Cool!”
And thus “Sigler’s Syndrome” was born.
Posted by Dave Hitt
Dated: 20 Mar 2009
If Blood Witness isn’t enough for you, if you crave more great novels in podiobook form, the best place to find them is They’ve got 300 novels in every genre imaginable, free for the downloading. You can grab everything all at once, or you can have a custom feed made just for you. Custom feeds let you control both the titles and the scheduling. You’ll get the books you want when you want them. And it is, of course, free.
Blood Witness is now available at PodioBooks. The episodes are identical to the episodes in the RSS and iTunes feed; the only difference is that the closing comments have been removed from the PodioBooks feed.
You want more horror? Perhaps you’d like to mix up your listening with some mystery. Of course you can’t go wrong with Science Fiction. How about some Fantasy? Or maybe some Non-fiction? They’ve got it all. And their quality control is very picky, so you can be sure whatever you try will sound great. When you’re done with this week’s episode of Blood Witness and crave more, head over to
Posted by Dave Hitt
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Dated: 10 Mar 2009
Episode 4, Chapter 6 – The history of the deadly vampire brew.
Thanks to Taliesan Meets The Vampires for mentioning, and recommending, Blood Witness.
Henchmen: as mentioned in the closing comments, here’s the URLfor hotlinking to the 30 second BW Promo: Usually hotlinking is a bad thing, but in this case, go for it. You’ll also find the promo as the last entry in the RSS feed, so you probably already have it.
Posted by Dave Hitt
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Dated: 4 Mar 2009
Episode 3, Leaving Las Vegas, is now avaiable. Things happen in Vegas that will stay in Vegas – forever. Eddie comes face to face with history.
Posted by Dave Hitt
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Dated: 3 Mar 2009
Blood Witness welcomes the first of Hittman’s Henchmen to the site.
Well, the first of the volunteer henchmen. You’ll see some others on the list, but two of them are to my stuff, so they don’t count, and the other two were recruited. I asked long-time friend Johnny Virgil, who does 15 Minute Lunch, for help with the graphics and he recruited Pete Pallidino of the Badless for the theme song.  But Gene was the first one who volunteered, instead of reacting to my badgering.
He does not just one, but five different podcasts, covering a variety of subjects. They’re all worth a listen. You can find them all here.
Thanks Gene.